Glendale Village Wide Email System Policy

Effective 1.1.2008

Updated 2-2-2012

It is the goal of the Village of Glendale Administrator to encourage voluntary subscription of all households (1,070) to the Village Wide Email System so that meaningful government public service announcements and notices may be sent to each and every computerized household in a timely fashion. The system currently has apx. 750 computerized household subscribers. This email system has been in effect since 2005. As a result of several years of requests and feedback, the Village of Glendale finds it beneficial to establish basic guidelines and policy to continue the growth of enrollment, protect the privacy of subscribers, respect the wishes of subscribers and avoid subscriber’s perception of spam. Spam Policy:

Glendale will not spam residents. For the purpose of this policy, Spam shall be considered;

1.       More than one email per 14 day period per event topic.
2.     Messages that could be considered advertisement     (not municipal announcements or events of public interest).

Municipal Messages:

The Village of Glendale shall send meaningful messages pertaining to official municipal events, notices, public meeting agendas, meeting minutes, weather cautions, emergency notices, and similar notices when deemed appropriate and beneficial to the Glendale public at large.

Non Municipal Messages:

On occasion and at the discretion of the Administrator, non-municipal messages from the Chamber of Commerce, Harry Whiting Brown, Glendale Youth Sports, Glendale Heritage Preservation, and other similar non-profit organizations may be transmitted when their message is a public service announcement of a non-profit event. Submissions that appear to be advertising and or are not public event focused will not be considered.


The Village mass email system requires complete, ready to post messages that will be forwarded “as is” from the Village Administrator to our web-master without modification of content or format. Please be sure to include the Name of your event, Date, Time, Location and Contact information for your organization to respond directly to any questions regarding your event. ALL messages must be in text format, no pictures, posters, etc. If you have a poster or picture, type out the information contained therein and send as text.

Due to time and budget constraints, we realize that our emailing system is not designed to do everything we might like it to. Unfortunately, we cannot be responsible for the formatting of your message. Please proofread your message and provide text in proper upper and lower case format.

Our goal is to encourage citizen involvement and support of our local community through the provision of timely communication.