Glendale Residents Recycled 119 Tons in 2009!

Congratulations Glendale residents! In 2009, you recycled 119 tons
of metal, glass, plastic, and paper. Residents saved resources,
conserved energy, and reduced pollution by recycling.

The recycling efforts in Glendale:

•	Conserved enough energy to power every home in Glendale
                for 8 days.

•	Reduced more greenhouse gas pollution than if every
                household in Glendale did not drive a car for a month.

•	Saved 1,047 trees from being harvested. 

Recycling reduces pollution so the air we breathe is cleaner,
conserves natural resources so we will have them to use in the
future, and decreases the energy needed to make new products.
Recycling also boosts our local economy by creating 169,000 jobs
and $6 billion in annual wages just in the State of Ohio.

On average, each household in Glendale recycled 253 pounds in 2009.
That’s   9.25% of all the waste you generate. If you would like to
see even more material recycled in 2010, check out the list below
to make sure you include all these materials when you recycle.
Glendale residents can drop-off recyclable at 528 East Sharon Road. 

Good Work, Glendale, your recycling efforts made a big difference!

Recyclable Materials
Plastic bottles and jugs (remove lids)
Glass bottles and jars (remove lids)
Empty aerosol cans (remove lids and tips)
Aluminum and steel cans
Paperboard (cereal boxes, etc.)
Junk mail and envelopes
Magazines, catalogs, and phone books
Office Paper
Brown grocery bags
Clean pizza boxes

Have a question about recycling?
Call Hamilton County’s Recycling
Hotline at 946-7766 or visit

Any questions or comments regarding this
website should be directed to the webmaster

2009 © Village of Glendale, Ohio


